All our customers are now on direct debit from January 2023. Set up your direct debit in just a few easy steps just follow the link
Payment will be taken on the 1st of each month, but please do let us know if you would prefer a different date. We are hoping that this new system will make life easier for everyone as a fixed payment each month will make budgeting easier and will also mean there is no need to book in for your regular classes each term.
Any additional classes, practice sessions and events will still require booking via
Fees are based on 40 classes per year, during term time, split over a 12 equal payments. Please remember that payment will still need to be made during August when there are no ‘term’ classes.
In the event of cancellation a minimum one months notice is required in writing. Please note a final balance may be due, to bring your payment up to date and cover all classes received.